I am a Demon Jester VTuber.
I mix my own covers, do my own harmonies/do existing harmonies in the songs, and I like pushing myself to the limit when it comes to vocals.I've been mixing since March of 2021.
I do mixing commissions.
Mixing Commissions
STATUS: open
Slots: 0/5
Note: This includes timing, and tuning.
Please limit your main vocals to 2 tracks, and layer your vocals on top of each other, so I have the freedom to cut whatever I need and want to.
₱750 / $15
ETA: 1-2 weeks depending on workload and complexity
Please limit the main vocals to 2 tracks for each person, and layer them on top of each other, so I have the freedom to cut whatever I need and want to.
₱1000 / $20
ETA: 1-2 weeks depending on workload and complexity
Harmony Guides
$10 per track
Artificial Harmonies
$13 per track
my terms
1. I will be using my mixed work for my portfolio.
2. I can refuse a commission if I feel like I cannot do it. I however won't refuse to do a commission that I've accepted a week before.
3. Once you've given me your audio files, the commission is officially "accepted"
4. Maximum of 5 revisions. Each revision after costs ~$3 more.
5. I will be asking you for retakes if I feel that I cannot mix the vocals with what you have given me.
6. Rush commissions adds 30% from the original price in USD.
($15 = $19 // $20 = $26)
7. TV Size/Shortened songs (1 min 30 seconds) are discounted at 25% off rounded down. ($15 = $12 // $20 = $15)
8. Please credit me for my work. (Mix: @Azashi_)
recording terms
1. Send your files RAW, no effects.
2. Send your files as a .wav file via Google Drive.
3. Please minimize noise when recording. (Turn off electric fans/air conditioners.)
4. Send the tracks in 2 layers if your vocals overlap each other.
Method of Communication and payment
Method of Payment: Paypal
Method of Communication: TwitterIf the client wishes to communicate through discord, they have to give me their discord tag as I have adding off.